All News
All News
This is all the news from the site. The "Recent News" only lists the five most recent news items.
- January 19, 2009
Released version 5.1 - November 28, 2008
Released version 4.3 - November 19, 2008
Released version 3.9: note that data files from previous releases are not compatible - October 30, 2008
Added support for libxml2 - September 10, 2008
Released version 3.5 - September 10, 2008
Minor bug fixes - September 1, 2008
Released version 3.4 - September 1, 2008
Made the schema more restrictive so it's harder to make mistakes - August 27, 2008
Changed the schema so that it's more descriptive - July 21, 2008
webgeno source code is now available from the sourceforge SVN server - July 21, 2008
Released webgeno 2.1 - July 20, 2008
Made it possible to run webgeno from windows explorer - July 4, 2008
No more features for a while. Time to work on documentation... - July 3, 2008
Released webgeno 2.0 - July 2, 2008
Changed the schema slightly and created an XSD file for validation - June 28, 2008
Released webgeno 1.4 - June 28, 2008
Added support for FAQs, images, and galleries - June 27, 2008
Released version webgeno 1.3 with all the fixes noted below - June 26, 2008
Limiting the news items to the top 5 most recent (lexically) - June 26, 2008
Added crumbtrails - June 26, 2008
Added elements for résumés - June 25, 2008
Added the "--clean" argument to dispose of all previously generated content (in case you've renamed a page for instance) - June 25, 2008
Added elements for transcripts - June 24, 2008
Added authorEmail support - June 24, 2008
Added the type for sub-pages - June 23, 2008
Added the type attribute to pages to allow for inline pages - June 20, 2008
Uploaded the initial version of this website to sourceforge - June 19, 2008
Created the initial version of this website using webgeno - June 18, 2008
SourceForge project was accepted - June 18, 2008
Applied for SourceForge project space
- Checkout all the different "flavors" that this site comes in on the templates page
- See the automatically generated site map