Image galleries
This page demonstrates a series of non-inline "image"
elements. Images that are not placed within elements that only allow inline children
will be shown as "block" images. This could be very useful for
image galleries.
- Checkout all the different "flavors" that this site comes in on
the templates page
- See the automatically generated site map
Recent News
- January 19, 2009
Released version 5.1
- November 28, 2008
Released version 4.3
- November 19, 2008
Released version 3.9: note that data files from previous releases are not compatible
- October 30, 2008
Added support for libxml2
- September 10, 2008
Released version 3.5
 | This is an image of Dan
Wheadon during a trip to Russia. This was his first time
cross-country skiing. |
 | Images that aren't
"inline" are width limited. The browser will proportionally
reduce their resolution to make them fit in the alotted space.
The actual size of this image is 250 x 250 pixels. |
 | Clicking on any one of
these images will bring up the original image in its full
size. |